Nepal, a beautiful Himalayan country accommodating the majority of the world's highest peaks including Mt. Everest, is situated between India and China. Physiographically, the country can be divided into four parallel zones conforming more or less with the geological zones namely Terai Plain (Indo-Gangetic Plain), Siwalik Range, Lesser Himalaya, and Higher Himalaya lying from south to north. The southern part of the country lies in the foreland of the Nepal Himalaya containing sedimentary basins which are important for hydrocarbon exploration. The Terai Plain and Siwalik Range of Nepal have been divided into 10 exploration blocks, each having approximately 5,000 sq. km. area.
Exploration Activities
Petroleum Exploration Promotion Section (PEPC) has conducted a series of geological, geophysical and geochemical surveys in the southern part of Nepal with bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the past.
- Airborne Magnetic Survey, CGG - 48,000 sq. km
- The photo-geological study, hunting Geology and Geophysics Ltd. - 60,000 sq. km
- Reflection seismic survey, CGG Petro-Canada and shell Nepal - 5,253 line km
- Gravity Survey, ELS Consulting - Entire Terai Region
- Exploration Well (Block 10, Biratnatar), Shell Nepal - 3520 m depth
- Source and Seal Study, Alconsult Inc. - Nepal
- Geological Map Publication (10 blocks), PEPP/DMG - 50,000 sq. km.