Government of Nepal

Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies

Department of Mines and Geology

Government of Nepal

Department of Mines and Geology

Lainchour, Kathmandu

Professional and Creative Administration:
Development, Prosperity and Good Governance

Notice for Promotion of Special ंMineral - Mining and Prospecting Liscense

Published Date : 2020-06-17

Government of Nepal

Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies


First Date of Publication: 17th June 2020 (03/03/2077)

Department of Mines and Geology (DMG) has carried out exploration works of the following minerals mentioned below. DMG intends to award either special prospecting or mining licenses of these minerals as per the Mines and Minerals Resources Act and Regulation to private entrepreneurs. DMG has prepared Data Packages consisting of Terms of Reference (TOR) with General and Technical Information of these Prospects/ Deposits. Interested companies registered under the Government of Nepal are invited to submit separate sealed technical and financial proposals as per the TOR. Any Company/Individual can purchase the Data Package at least 7 days prior to the last date of submission of the proposal. Only the Company who has purchased the Data Package can submit the proposal.


Name of Deposits / Prospects


(sq km)

Type of minerals

Type of License to be awarded

Basic technical information of Deposit/Prospects

Infrastructure information of Deposits/prospects

Minimum Bid amount (NRs.)







Mining of Jaitpani Limestone Deposit at Khamilekh, Kapurkot Gaupalika, Salyan District, Karnali Province Nepal








Geology- Limestone belongs to Lakharpata formation consists of the dolomite, limestone, shale and quartzite. Geological reserve (proved reserve 3.3 MT, probable 6.0 MT and possible reserve 2.6 MT). Average assay of CaO-51.3 %, MgO–1.5%. Core sample assay Cao – 49.0% & MgO – 3. 6 %.

Tulsipur-60km-Sitalpati-20km-Khalanga of Salyan-16km- Jaitpani–2km foot trail to Jaitpani deposit. Transmission line of 132 KVA exists nearby the deposit area.

62,01,000/- (Rupees Sixty two lakhs and one thousand only).






Mining of Kandrang- Gadhi limestone Deposit, Benighat-Rorang Gaupalika, Dhading District, Bagmati Province Nepal







Geology- Limestone belongs to Markhu formation. The formation consists of gray to dark gray schist with intercalations of marble beds. Geological reserve Cement grade (proved reserve 14.34 MT, and probable 14.31 MT) Average assay of CaO-46.47 %, MgO–3.16%.

(Malekhu)-14 km gravel road (Talti)- 9 km rough road (Chauki)-2km trail- KandranGadhi. Presently, Electricty is not available in area. Transmission line is available in Talti which is 11km from limestone deposit.

1,35,67,000/- (Rupees One Crore thirty five lakh and  sixty seven thousand only)






Mining of Narsing Khola Salt Deposit, Barahagaun Muktikhsthera Gaupalika, Mustang District, Gandaki Province, Nepal






Geology- Tethys sediments consist of Lumechella Formation, Spiti Formation and Chuk Formation. Salt Occurrences are in the limestone and shale of Lumechella Formation. Chemical analysis results shows 70.28% to 93.7%  NaCl.

 Jomsom- 30km (Chhusang)---2km (Tetang) -3km-Salt deposit area ( Nursing Khola) The area is accessible with motorable road upto Chhusan. Electricity is not available in prospecting area. Prospecting area lies in Annapurna Conservation Area Project. The Proponent has to submit consent letter from Annapurna Conservation Area Project. before award of mining license.

2,20, 000/- (Rupees Two lakh and  twenty thousand only





Mining of Daman Granite Deposit, Thaha Municipality, Makwanpur District, Bagmati Province, Nepal







Geology:- The granite has intruded into the Bhimphedi Group Rocks. Geological reserve is 2419800 m3. The granite satisfies the ASTM specification for polished granite.

Kathmandu-74km (along with Tribhuvan Rajpath)- Simbhanjyang -1km foot trail- Granite Deposit area. Electricty is  available in  mines area

26,62,000/- (Rupees  Twenty six lakhs and  sixty two thousand only)





Detail Exploration of  Dhusa Copper Prospect at Dhusa, Benighat Rorang Gaupalika, Dhading district, Bagmati Province, Nepal




Prospecting License

Geology- Belongs to Robang Formation. Copper mineralization seems in Phyllite, dolomite and quartzite. Geological reserve about 1.1   MT. of 0.7-1.5% Cu.  Average grade 0.65 % Cu

Charaudi (Prithivi- highway)- Prospect area~12 km dirt road. Nearest hydropower Marsyangdi (69 MW)

26,62,000/- (Rupees  Twenty six lakhs and  sixty two thousand only)




Detail Exploration of Agra-Khola Copper Prospect at Agra, Thaha Municipality, Makwanpur District, Bagmati Province, Nepal



Prospecting license

Geology- Agra granite bodies belong to Kulikhani Formation. Contact between granite and quartzite /schist. Geological reserve 1.0 MT of 0.3% Cu.  Cu assay up to 0.9%.

Mahadev Besi (Prithvi highway)-prospect area~ 15 km dirt road. Nearest hydropower  Kulekhani I (60MW)

8,66,000/- (Rupees Eight lakh sixty six thousand only)





Detail Exploration of the Kurule Copper Prospect at Lekhani, Katari Municipality, Udaypur District, Province No. 1, Nepal



Prospecting License

Geology- Belongs to Bhimphedi Group. Copper mineralization seems in gneissic rocks along with Schist and marble. Average grade 0.5%Cu.

Ghurmi (Mid Hill Highway) - prospect area- about 5km foot-trail.

9,32,000/- (Rupees Nine lakh thirty two thousand only)





Detail Exploration of Kimasepo-Jharban Primary Gold prospect at Gam, Sunchhahari Gaupalika, Rolpa District,

Province No. 5, Nepal



Prospecting license

Geology: Schist, gneiss, quartzite and carbonate rocks. Geological reserve 0.78 million tons Average gold recovery 0.001 to 4.0gm per ton in river gravel in Phuliban and Dhanputar area

Bhalubang Rolpa Road connects East west highway 20km to Sulichaur-Prospect area. Electricity is available nearby area

3,91,000/- (Rupees Three lakhs ninety one thousand only)






Detail exploration of Daman Kaoline Prospect, Thaha Nagarpalika, Makwanpur District, Bagmati Province, Nepal




Prospecting license

Geology: The granite rocks Palung Massif have been weathered at several places. The weathering is irregular in the form of scattered pockets. The estimated probable reserve of weathered granite at Naliban Kharka is about 0.30 million tons respectively with average clay content being 12.6% the washed clay reserve accounts to 37,800 Tonnes.

The investigated area is easily accessible through Tribhuvan Highway which is about 78km from Kathmandu and about 67km from Hetauda. The Naliban and Kharka villages are connected by the recently built dirt road by the Naliban Kharkha Ringroad. Electricty is available in Prospecting area.

4,06,000/- (Rupees Four lakh and six  thousands only)




Detail   Exploration of   Murli Khola Coal Prospect at Jhirubas, Nisdi Gaupalika, Palpa District,

Province No. 5, Nepal



Prospecting License

Geology: The prospect area lies the Melpani Formation which consists of Cretaceous-Paleocene coal places consist of coal seams which is few cm to 1.5 m. Fixed carbon 11-15% and calorific value 1400 to 2100 KJ/Kg.

Access by Chormara, Nawalparasi East-West Highway about 22km to Jhirubas. From there about 3 km seasonal road to connect coal prospect area.


3,55,000/- (Rupees Three lakh and fifty five thousands only).

  1. The Data Package can be purchased from the DMG during office hour in working days on submission of Voucher of Rs. 15,000.00 (Fifteen Thousand only for Prospecting License) and Rs. 25,000.00 (Twenty five thousand only for Mining License), non refundable for each data package paid to Account No. 1000200010000, Code No. 307023501, Revenue Title No. 14229 in Rastriya Banijya Bank, Thamel, Kathmandu.
  2. In case of prospecting license, the sealed proposal must be submitted before 15:00 hours of the 35th day from the first published date and in case of mining license, the sealed proposal must be submitted before 15:00 hours of the 50th day of the first published date. In case, the last date becomes holiday, the next working day will be the last date of submission of the proposal before 15:00 hours.
  3. The proponent shall deposit either in cash in Rastriya Banijya Bank, Thamel, Kathmandu paid to Security deposit Account No. 1100203000000 of (को.ले.नि.का, Lainchour) or a bank guaranty of 2 % of the minimum bid amount fixed by DMG with reference to Rule 24 (5) for duration of 1 year. The security deposit voucher or bank guarantee document shall be submitted along with technical proposal.
  4. There must be at least three proposals for evaluation. In case, there are less than three proposals, 15 days’ notice will be published for submission of more proposals. After that, received proposals from first and second notice will be evaluated. The total marks for evaluation for technical and financial proposal is 100. 60% weightage is given to the technical proposal and 40% weightage is given to the financial proposal. The minimum mark for qualifying technical proposal is 50%.
  5. Minimum bid amount is set as per the exploration cost during exploration carried out by DMG. Successful bidders in competitive bidding must reimburse the proposed bid amount.
  6. Financial proposals will be opened of qualified technical proposals only.
  7. Interested companies can submit maximum of three proposals for prospecting licenses including already owned prospecting License of same mineral.
  8. The company must be updated up to Fiscal year 2075/76 with concerning authority.
  9. Any further inquiry may be directed to Directorate, 01-4414740 , Mineral Processing and Promotion Center, 01-4414330  and Mineral Economic Study & Promotion Section of the DMG, Lainchaur, Kathmandu, Nepal, Phone no. 01-4413540. Website:-