The Department of Mines and Geology (DMG) is the sole government organization which is responsible for all types of geological survey, mineral exploration and administration of Mining Rules and Regulations in Nepal.
The Department of Mines and Geology (DMG) has long history since its creation as an "office of Irrigation and Geology" in 1926. In 1942, after separation from its parent institution, it was renamed as the "Office of Mines" which was ultimately expanded to a departmental institution called "Bureau of Mines" in 1961. Since then, it has further expanded its activities towards the fulfillment of its objectives to provide diversified geo-scientific services to the country. In 1967, the Government has created a new, separate institution and named as "Nepal Geological Survey". The Nepal Geological Survey was formed in order to undertake more specific geo-scientific survey and research activities. In 1977, both the Bureau of Mines and the Nepal Geological Survey were amalgamated and renamed as the "Department of Mines and Geology".