The major activities of the department cover five main fields of study.
(1) Geo-scientific Survey and Research
(2) Engineering and Environmental Geological studies and Hazard assessments
(3) Seismo-tectonic studies and Earthquake monitoring
(4) Mineral exploration, evaluation and promotion of mineral based industries and administration of Mineral and Mining Rules and Regulation
(5) Petroleum and Natural Gas Exploration.
These activities include:
• Preparation of standard Geological Maps, Engineering and Environmental Geological Maps, Landslide Hazard Maps and Earthquake hazard/ Epicenter Maps and regular publication of these maps to provide basic geoscientific information to the potential users involved in physical infrastructure development, natural disaster management, educational, technical training institutes etc.
• Exploration and evaluation of mineral deposits/ prospects, promotion of mineral based industries for the benefit of the people and support the economic development of the country.
• Geological study and geophysical exploration of promising sites for petroleum and natural gas in the country and attract foreign oil companies to invest in petroleum exploration, development and production of oil and natural gas in Nepal.
• Engineering and environment geological mapping and Hazard assessment of fast growing urban areas, and publication of Engineering and environment geological maps which are suitable for multiple use especially in infrastructure development planning and urban area development.
• Seismic/ tectonic studies and earthquake monitoring to delineate the earthquake hazard/ risk areas, publication of Earthquake epicenter maps and conduct earthquake awareness programs in different parts of the country especially densely populated urban areas.
• Landslide hazard mapping of selected areas, and regular publication of Landslide hazard zonation maps and make available to the organizations, institutions and individual involved in the infrastructure development works.
DMG Annual Report, DMG News Letter, Informative Booklets, Brochure on Petroleum exploration, National Seismological Centre and their activities, Geological maps, Engineering and environmental geological maps, Landslide hazard zonation maps, Earthquake epicenter map, Mineral resources maps are the major publication of the department.