नेपाल सरकार

उद्योग, वाणिज्य तथा आपूर्ति मन्त्रालय

खानी तथा भूगर्भ विभाग

नेपाल सरकार

खानी तथा भूगर्भ विभाग

लैनचौर, काठमाडौं

व्यावसायिक र सिर्जनशील प्रशासनः विकास, समृद्धि र सुशासन

जाजरकोट भू-कम्प अप्डेट

प्रकाशित मिति : 2023-11-04

Recent Jajarkot Earthquake Updates (NEMRC/SC, DMG)

Further Updates: Earthquake Update Viber Group

Date Epicenter/ Earthquakes Time Magnitude Source
2080-07-23 Total aftershocks: 483 12:00    
2080-07-23 Paink of Jajarkot district 3:06 4.2 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-22 Paink of Jajarkot district 19:50 3.5 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-20 Paink of Jajarkot district 16:40 4.5 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-22 Total aftershocks: 466 10:30    
2080-07-21 Paink of Jajarkot district 22:30 3.9 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-21 20 Km north of Bichhiya, Bajura district 12:58 4 NERMC/SC/DMG
2080-07-21 Total aftershocks: 439 10:30    
2080-07-20 Paink of Jajarkot district 16:40 4.5 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-20 Ramidanda of Jajarkot district 16:31 5.8 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-20 Total aftershocks: 382 10:10    
2080-07-19 Total aftershocks: 345 17:35    
2080-07-19 Ramidanda of Jajarkot district 14:24 4.1 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-19 Ramidanda of Jajarkot district 12:31 3.8 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-18 Ramidanda of Jajarkot district 21:50 3.6 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-18 Ramidanda of Jajarkot district 15:40 4.2 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-18 Ramidanda of Jajarkot district 0:35 4.3 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-18 Ramidanda of Jajarkot district 0:29 4.2 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-18 Ramidanda of Jajarkot district 0:08 4.5 NEMRC/SC/DMG
2080-07-17 Ramidanda of Jajarkot district 23:47 6.4 NEMRC/SC/DMG

The total number of Jajarkot earthquake aftershocks is 483 till 2080/07/23 12:00.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 4.2 occurred around the Paink of Jajarkot district at 03:06 on 2080/07/23. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 3.5 occurred around Paink of Jajarkot district at 19:50 on 2080/07/22. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 4.5 occurred around Paink of Jajarkot district at 16:40 on 2080/07/20. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

The total number of Jajarkot earthquake aftershocks is 466 till 2080/07/22 10:30.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 3.9 occurred around Paink of Jajarkot district at 22:30 on 2080/07/21. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 4.0 occurred around 20 Km north of Bichhiya of Bajura district at 12:58 on 2080/07/21. NERMC/SC/DMG.

Total number of Jajarkot earthquake aftershocks is 439 till 2080/07/21 07:55.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 4.5 occurred around Paink of Jajarkot district at 16:40 on 2080/07/20. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 5.8 occurred around Ramidanda of Jajarkot district at 16:31 on 2080/07/20. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

The total number of Jajarkot earthquake aftershocks is 382 till 2080/07/20 10:10.

The total number of Jajarkot earthquake aftershocks is 345 till 2080/07/19 17:35.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 4.1 occurred around Ramidanda of Jajarkot district at 14:24 on 2080/07/19. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 3.8 occurred around Ramidanda of Jajarkot district at 12:31 on 2080/07/19. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 3.6 occurred around Ramidanda of Jajarkot district at 21:50 on 2080/07/18. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 4.2 occurred around Ramidanda of Jajarkot district at 15:40 on 2080/07/18. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 4.3 occurred around Ramidanda of Jajarkot district at 00:35 on 2080/07/18. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 4.2 occurred around Ramidanda of Jajarkot district at 00:29 on 2080/07/18. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 4.5 occurred around Ramidanda of Jajarkot district at 00:08 on 2080/07/18. NEMRC/SC/DMG.

An Earthquake of local magnitude (ML) 6.4 occurred around Ramidanda of Jajarkot district at 23:47 on 2080/07/17. NEMRC/SC/DMG